Daily Archive: July 29, 2016

Advantages and Disadvantages of using Computer Internet

Computer was one of the greatest inventions of the human generation but this invention got even better with the invention of the internet. Computer and internet has changed the face of the modern world, the world of technology has evolved to a whole new level with the help of internet and computers. Human’s are the one who have been most benefited by this technology and are still using and inventing new things screen-shot-2011-12-12-at-8-59-39-amwith the use of the computer and internet. As there is always a brighter side and a darker side of anything, so there are many other benefits and disadvantages of using the computer and the internet.

Advantages and Disadvantages of using Computer Internet:


  1. Unlimited communication facility:

With the invention of the computer and internet, communication has been influenced to high extend. People from one corner of the world can easily communicate to the other corner without facing any trouble and problems. If you need to talk to someone by using the internet then you only need to pay to the internet provider for only enabling you with the internet facility and then you can simply enjoy the limitless communication.

  1. Limitless sources of Information:

You get ample amount of information which is present on internet. This information can be accessed from anywhere and you only need to only pay for the internet usage, nothing extra to the information that you have collected from the internet.

  1. Sharing of data:

With the use of the computers you can easily share data to the different corners of the world by the help of internet. This sharing of data can be even of huge amount and it can contain every possible data type which you need to transfer to someone else.Incognito-Mode


  1. Spam mails and Viruses:

One of the biggest drawback or disadvantage of using the computer searching and internet is the receiving of the viruses and spam mails which comes into your computer from the internet and if they are not removed properly then they might even crash down the whole system and your saved data can be deleted and lost forever.

  1. Hackers:

One of the biggest things that make the searching on the internet risky is the presence of the hackers from around the world. All the anti-social communities are always having hackers who can break down into your computer by the help of the internet when you are searching for some content on the internet and finally steal away all your private and personal information which can be very dangerous for 12956979-Computer-laptop-with-a-magnifying-glass-searching-the-internet-3D-isolated-on-a-white-background-Stock-Photoyou at the end.

  1. Addiction and kids getting exposed to the adult content:

This is the one of the most common problem that is becoming viral all over the world. Parents are getting tensed and worried all around the world because of the addiction of computer by their children. Moreover when these children get exposed to the adult contents and porn sites then they starts indulging themselves in various wrong activities and gets distracted from their goals.